Friday, July 30, 2010

Are married straight couples who are afraid of gay marriage afraid their spouses will run off?

Honestly, if you people just loved your spouses and gave them what they needed, I'm sure they would not be running off to get gay married...

I mean, how else could gay marriage be a threat to straight marriage?Are married straight couples who are afraid of gay marriage afraid their spouses will run off?
If they want to 'save' straight marriage, BAN DIVORCE!Are married straight couples who are afraid of gay marriage afraid their spouses will run off?

The California Supreme Court stated:

“the exclusion of same-sex couples from the designation of marriage clearly is not necessary in order to afford full protection to all of the rights and benefits that currently are enjoyed by married opposite-sex couples; permitting same-sex couples access to the designation of marriage will not deprive opposite-sex couples of any rights and will not alter the legal framework of the institution of marriage, because same-sex couples who choose to marry will be subject to the same obligations and duties that currently are imposed on married opposite-sex couples.”

The most common causes of divorce in heterosexual marriage, according to family law experts are poor communication, financial problems, lack of commitment, dramatic changes in priorities, and infidelity. Marriage equality will not affect any of these conditions in heterosexual marriages. Within my own church community, thousands of families have been formed and then destroyed because of counsel that homosexual people should marry members of the opposite sex. When their sexual orientation is not changed by marriage, both spouses and any children suffer.
there is no logical reason to deprive people of equal rights and options, the arguments are all bigotry

marriage used to be for same-sex couples until the romans banned it in 342AD thanks to the christians who redefined marriage

the majority voting on minority was doomed to failure it appears.

the bigots only wants things to be like they approve of
Well, we're married and he's straight and I'm bi.

I can't see that gay marriage is any threat at all to mine. The only threat to our marriage is us both working full time -- I hardly see him anymore.

p.s. -- we're getting more snow soon! : )

Afraid of gay marriage. I don't think so. This is none of my buisness. Now as far as 34 years with my husband....We are very(happy) ';gay'; . You know when gay meant happy.

Did you get that striaght? lol
I have never chosen to be straight. Thus, I woould have never thought someone would say sexual preference is a choice. If someone thinks being gay is a choice, they must struggle with it.
I think they must be afraid that the gay couples will show them up in longevity. Next they will be targeting divorces .. a huge threat to straight marriages.
Good question. As a straight woman married to a straight man, I see no reason why our gay friends should not have the same right to marry as we did. Is their love any less valid? Of course not.


You go, grrl!
How in the name of all that's sweet and holy do you have time on your hands to think of all this meaningless crap?
I can't speak for every ';straight'; person just as you can't speak for every gay person.

Most straight people are not objecting to ';gay marriage'; because they are afraid their spouse will run off with a gay. That is ridiculous thinking!

Since most objection comes from religious beliefs the objection is based on the fear that over time our marriages will have less meaning since straights marry in the presence of God and with His blessing. While other than some eastern religions maybe, God has forbade same gender sexual unification in all three books of the middle east. Torrah, Bible and Quran., so for this to be ignored is like saying too bad God we will anyway and the meaning of marriage (to become one flesh and multiply) Christian meaning makes the marriage contract less holy.

For me, kafirs can do as they want as long as I don't have to be involved. After all a marriage contract is really a contract with the legal system of the country and the only thing that makes it sacred is when Allah blesses it, so I don't care if marriage rights are instated. It doesn't effect my life.
Homosexuals make up a tiny percentage of the US population, but they are making a lot of noise. That is making them seem larger than what they really are.

This gay marriage thing is just a small part of their agenda. They were not content with California. They want it in ALL fifty states.
I think you need to study the issue before you make statements like this.

There are millions of people opposed to gay marriage. I think you would be hard pressed to find hardly any of them who are afraid their spouses will run off.

Look into it some more.
Get real. Homosexuality is a disgusting perversion of what God intended with honor and only in the marriage bed between a man and his wife.
It's more a threat to society at large really...destroying one of its fundamental building blocks.
That is so lame and stupid. Get over your own gayness. Its your problem not ours.
Made you feel brave asking that huh?

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