Friday, July 30, 2010

Why is marriage the farthest things from people's minds these days?

I read question after question from men and women who live together, have kids together, and go the trials and tribulations of life together. Yet at no time do they ever even bring up the option of marriage. Why? Why is it that somebody is good enough to sleep with, live with, have kids with, and be with for 4-5 years, but marriage is completely out of the question?Why is marriage the farthest things from people's minds these days?
Because no one wants to make a commitment to share their life with someone. It means that they would have to have the mind set that they would work to stay together and stick it out through think or thin. People don't have the morals that where instilled in older people. Most people are selfish and can only think about what is best for them not as a family. When kids are brought in to this world it is usually a happy event but when things start to get hairy and difficult then one or both of the parents go separate ways and don't think one bit about the kids. This has been going on for quite some time and that is why the world is falling into the hands of Satan and not turning toward God.Why is marriage the farthest things from people's minds these days?
I don't know -- maybe it's because people don't want commitment these days. I suppose it's easier to live with someone and if the relationship comes to a close, it's easier to pack up and just leave instead of going through all the hassle of divorce court.

While i'm talking about it - people who live together don't usually stay together forever. There are some exceptions, but more of them break up than people get divorces.
Perhaps because things go sour in a relationship and it's alot easier for people to just split when that happens and some people rather not deal with the whole divorce and paper work stuff.

I also think that women have a lot to do with this because

men can get out of woman now what they couldn't get back then when they had to be married before any intimacy.

I'm sure are many other reasons why....

I however am 21 years old and happily married.
It's cheaper to break-up than divorce, and a huge % of marriages in the US end that way...not to mention marriage doesn't guarantee anything other than some legal rights that you don't have as the partner of someone you aren't married to.

It's simply more acceptable nowadays for couples to cohabit outside of marriage so many choose to do that...nothing wrong with it at all. For some, marriage just isn't an important issue.
Mainly, maybe it could be that nearly 50 per cent of marriages fail. Most people are not willing to go the distance. You might say, well it's just a piece of paper, it is more than that, it is a commitment. This Society we live in today is filled with negativity, and the idea of, why try. That's in all parts of life, people would rather see someone fail than work hard and succeed, Just my opinion.
Marriage is great for some people, but not necessary for others. Couples living together and raising kids together can be just as committed and happy (sometimes more so) than married couples. Honestly, the only differences are tax breaks and joint health insurance.
Yeah, I don't understand why they are scared of the little piece of paper to make it official. If things go south after already living together X amount of years, it is still going to get messy married or not.
I just got married last week and have no kids with my husband. I Love him and we think about having kids in the future if our marriage goes well.
Well I feel marriage means great comittment and people dont want that. Or some dont believ in a piece of paper.

I however do
Why get married when a majority end in divorce?
I don't know. Actually marriage is the closest thing to my mind next to school and getting a better job.
Because the COWS are giving away the MILK for freakin FREE!!

And it is as simple and as complicated as that.
because it has lost it's importance in society
don't want comittment
its just a piece of paper. we dont like contracts or obligatory things, we maintain our freedom and independence
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