Friday, July 30, 2010

How is you beenfeeling most recently about your upcoming marriage?

Any fears or regrets?How is you beenfeeling most recently about your upcoming marriage?
A little stressed since things keep going wrong and we are doing everything ourselves. But im mostly excited my wedding is this Saturday (10/10/09) and I can't wait.How is you beenfeeling most recently about your upcoming marriage?
I wouldn't say they were fears or regrets. Cold feet is the general term.

I guess most people will ask them selves similar questions like:

Is s/he the one?

Am I truly in love?

Is this the person I really won't to live with forever?

Will it last?

I've definitely thought these. I watched my mother go through 2 dead end marriages and 2 broken hearts.

Even though you love someone with all of your heart and you think you know for 100% that you've picked the right person. It isn't guaranteed. Marriage is a leap of faith. If you want it badly enough and you love someone deeply enough and willing to work through all the ups and downs together, then you'll be fine.

I am not naive about the future. I know for a fact that my partner and I will fight with each other. I know for a fact that for at least one point in the marriage, him, I or the both of us will want to leave. But I also know for a fact that I love him with all of my heart and have faith that through everything, we'll work out and be happy.

It's all about faith, love and trust.
none! I feel goooood!

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