Saturday, August 21, 2010

Does the marriage supper of the lamb occur on earth or in heaven?

When and where exactly does the feast occur. Please provide scriptual evidence.Does the marriage supper of the lamb occur on earth or in heaven?
Rev. 19:5-21

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will involve the New Jerusalem, the Holy City. That city is referred to by John as ';the wife of the Lamb';. It is a city made up of living stones, joined to the Chief Cornerstone of Zion, even the covenant people of God. (1Pet.2:4-7)

We in the true church are in the picture here, along with the saints of old and indeed all the saved of Israel. God only gathers one Elect. He gathers them all together at one time at the end of this age. And He gathers them all together at one time at the end of the age to come.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb simply cannot be pegged to one earthly time. It needs two. Here is how it happens. As the saints enter eternity are glorified into new spiritual bodies. At the resurrection-rapture at the end of this age we leave Newtonian space-time. We enter the eternal realms to enter into a realm beyond our present earthly sphere of time and space. Similarly the saints that Jesus brings with Him out of the Millenium to come also must be glorified. They will enter the realms of Light at the end, after the Great White Throne judgment which comes after the future Millennium and after the final Millennial rebellion. This is precisely what we see in 1Cor.15:24.

So, as incredible as it may sound, there may in fact be two Portals into the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

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