Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is your marriage really not all that good but you act like it is great around your friends and co-workers?

Are you hiding the fact that you really don't like your spouse that much?Is your marriage really not all that good but you act like it is great around your friends and co-workers?
sort of...

the difficulty is that you open yourself up to judgement for sticking around with someone you don't like. other people's difficulties are boring and make them look bad, even if they're in the right.

i am careful about what i say, and to whom.Is your marriage really not all that good but you act like it is great around your friends and co-workers?
Oh brother. The question should be, why is anyone hiding the fact that their marriage is miserable? Or, why are people staying with spouses that ';they don't like that much';?

The reason that marriages are so bad today is because there are a lot of jerks out there, men and women. Take the guy who answered that his marriage is ';great'; but he makes is seem otherwise so he can screw girls at work. I wonder if his wife would think that was so ';great';?

Proctology specimens like this ';hubby'; make marriage something to run from, not aspire to.

If you don't like your spouse that much or you're downright miserable, don't hide this fact from anyone. Not from your co-workers, or your spouse. Have the courage to sit down with them and talk about it. If it can be worked through, do it. If not, work out a settlement agreement in mediation so that attorneys do not unjustly profit, and find happiness with someone else.

Life is too short to waste. This I know personally. Act while you can.
Sort of! she doesn't put out anymore and it's hard to like someone who you made vows with to never sleep with another person again and then she not hold up her vows and be wife and try to meet your needs, sex is expected in marriage if she didn't really want to be a wife she shouldn't have got married, i know having a mistress is wrong and two wrongs don't make a right but i don't care I've serve my time. I love her but i don't like her anymore.
Most marriages have their issues, and we all want to believe that those issues can be resolved. So, we put a ';happy face'; on it so as to not air our ';dirty laundry.';

However, many times we are in unhappy marriages hoping that they will get better. When they don't and you wind up divorced (like me), it leaves everyone wagging their tongues, saying things like ';they always seemed so happy. . . .';

They used to call my ex-husband and me ';Ken and Barbie';. They broke up too.
i know a couple that did this (none of us friends knew until they broke up).

It left them both hurt real, real bad. They're both in therapy, now and both are real heartbroken.

In the end, i believe they were only fooling themselves.

i don't act around people. i try to be my own self. If i'm happy (i am) people probably will know.
I did that for years while I tried everything I could think of to get our marriage back on track. Certain things should remain private between a married couple. I don't like to air our dirty laundry in public. my wife didn't want to put in any effort so we are now divorcing.
I'm not married anymore, but when I was, I did to some extent. I had a bit of pride.

As a single person, I can also tell you that single people act like being single is really great around friends and co-workers, too. It's not always that great.
I don't but my man acts that way around other people who work for him and family for financial reason that he is getting worked out so we can be together then every thing will be out in the open.
No, my marriage is wonderful and I tell them so. They all think I am either a liar or are mentally ill, since most of them are openly miserable.
My X did that for years and i went along with it. i finally cashed it in. I was to unhappy to continue.

If we are happy together then we are happy together then we are happy and if we are not then we aren't. People know either way.
No I am way too open about things...friends and family know when things are sucky and when they are good....I figure people who care and know us best can help me figure out what the problem is or if it is fixable...
Actually its the opposite...everyone I am around knows I want out!!!
I am actually honest about it. I usually say ';It is OK but has it's problems';. Most marriages do have their ups and downs.
I've done that before! But, you have to around certain guys, otherwise they think you're opening a door for them when you're not!!
I would never live a lie. Life is too short and too precious to put up a display for others.
Nope. I talk about the good and the bad.

TACGNOL: You sound very familiar. Think I know a ******** like that.
yes, i did but not anymore. i'm too tired to lie.
My best friends know it's an act... his co-workers think we're soul mates!
Nope, I'm not married. And I'll start acting when I start getting paid for it! lol. =)
nope - love him very much

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