Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is a guy's motive who rushes a girl into living together and asks for marriage after 2-3 dates?

Both girl and guy just left relationships a week before dating, and the guy has two little kids, girl is only 19 and guy is late 20's.What is a guy's motive who rushes a girl into living together and asks for marriage after 2-3 dates?
sexWhat is a guy's motive who rushes a girl into living together and asks for marriage after 2-3 dates?
Well considering not all guys are douche bags... I'd say his motive is probably what he says he wants... Marriage and Living together.. Is it really that hard to grasp? Why do all girls think a guy that wants marriage has a motive.

Guy: Will you marry me?

Girl: *thinking to self* What does he want from me?

Guy: Uhm... Hello?

Girl: *I hope he doesnt have bad credit*

Guy: Hmm...

Girl: I dunno.

Yeah, what ever happened to a guy just thinking about marriage because he wants well.... To get married?
Maybe he really likes her and wants to hold onto her. If I were her, I would run for the hills. If, by his late 20s, a guy doesn't understand that you don't know somebody well enough to propose after 2-3 dates, he is not right in the head.
that depends...how do YOU feel? My fiance and I knew we would be together after just a few dates, and we couldn't have been more in tune...there's a term for it if its the real thing - Soul Mates.
Needs a babysitter, needs money, needs sex....
I need a diaper
Marry the girl... divorce her... take half her ****... use it for his own gain.
He sounds desperate. He probably thinks it will be hard to find a woman since he has two children and is moving too quickly to try to harness the new woman into a serious relationship.
umm his motive?

get laid, get married.

or just get laid.

or married.
Sounds like he is wanting somebody to sleep with, babysit his kids and help pay rent.
gosh, don't mess with him,gurrrrrrrrrrrl
he wants stability i would say and is just very emotional at the time and wants a woman figure to help him along with everything. tell him to slow down, its much to soon for all that
he misses mommy
It's called codependency. There is a joke that goes

Q: ';How do you know if someone is codependent?';

A: ';If the bring a UHaul on the second date';

This is common with people who have addictive personalities...alcoholics, sex addicts, etc...
he's an obessive psycho. They are both moving way too fast. is she pregnant?
because he has kids. and what young girl wants to marry a guy that has kids? she doesnt want to babysit them all day! man,this is her prime where she is getting her career started, partying and having the time of her life. if this question is about you my suggestion is run, run now!
Hes a total loser, stay away!
sex or in the military pay raise?
Desperation. He wants a housekeeper and a mother for his children. Don't fall for it.
He probably wants a wife
sounds like the guy is psycho..
He's desperate. He doesn't even know you in that amount of time and he wants you to live with him? He needs a babysitter or he has some other agenda. RUN.
One of two possibilities..



Free Childcare!

But hey, my parents married eight days after they met in 1962 - and held it together until Mom passed away in 2000. So who knows?
dont do it!!!
insecurity bordering on mental illness
Dude's scary. Girl should run!!
hes probly fu***** crazy and doesnt even know his own motive
Crazy as hell!!!! Run for your life!
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